In Fendrich's Humble Opinion

Rescuing a Hosed System Using Only Bash

Yesterday I was in a productive mood. “Let’s upgrade the ancient Gentoo Linux install on that server that nobody dares to use because the OS is too shoddy”, I thought. Since the Gentoo image was from 2005 and never updated, it seemed impossible to upgrade it using normal methods. There were dependencies blocking each other and just an all around awful mess. I downloaded the latest install tarball and decided to just extract it right over the old install. “What is the worst thing that can happen”, right?

As it turned out, nothing special happened. It all worked smoothly. Until I ran “emerge” - the package manager for Gentoo. It decided that all those installed packages were quite unnecessary and proceeded to uninstall everything. Everything. Until it could uninstall no more, because it had broken itself.

Now I had a system without anything in /bin /sbin /usr/bin, etc. Everything was gone. All that I had left was two remote ssh connections from my desktop which, quite heroically, stayed up despite the best efforts of emerge. I could not open any new connections. The server itself is located on a magical island, far, far away, called Hisingen. I had no intention of making a trip there. Yet.

Ok, what can we do with no binaries?
This is pretty much it:

Notice that such practical commands as “ls”, “mv”, “ed” and “cp” are not built in. This means that we cannot list or copy files. Or rename them. Or move them. Or edit them. “echo” and “cd” is ok, though. Also we can create new files with echo “blabla” > theFile.

“Bwaha! All I have to do is use tab completion to see what files are in a directory”. I chuckled triumphantly to myself, my seductive beard dancing in the wind. Luckily tab completion reported that my /bin/ was full of executables. Unluckily /bin/ was not actually full of executables when I tried to run them. It seems that Bash or Linux or someone had cached the tab completion results.

Since I had the Gentoo tbz-image still in the root directory, all I needed was a way to extract that and I would have all my precious programs back.

Remote file copy

OK.. how do I get bzip2 and tar to the server? Well, using echo “….” > file, it is possible to create new files. But how would you write binary data using echo? It turns out that one can write any byte using \x-hexadecimal escape codes. Unfortunately if you write the zero-byte, \x00, echo terminates. Executables or full of zero-bytes so we need a way to write them too. Well, it turns out that echo can write zero-bytes without terminating using octal escape codes - \0000 will do the trick.

I created a Python program for taking a binary file and convert it to several lines of the type:

> echo -en $’\x6e\0000\x5f\x69\x6e\x69\x74\0000\x6c\x69\x62\x63\x2e\x73\x6f\x2e\x36\0000\x66\x66\x6c\x75\x73\x68\0000\x73\x74\x72\x63\x70\x79\0000\x66\x63\x68\x6d\x6f\x64\0000\x65\x78\x69\x74\0000\x73\x74\x72\x6e\x63\x6d\x70\0000\x70\x65\x72\x72\x6f\x72\0000\x73\x74\x72\x6e\x63\x70\x79\0000\x73\x69\x67\x6e\x61\x6c\0000\x5f\x5f\x73\x74\x61\x63\x6b\x5f\x63\x68\x6b\x5f\x66\x61\x69\x6c\0000\x73\x74\x64\x69\x6e\0000\x72\x65\x77’ > myfile
> echo -en $’\x69\x6e\x64\0000\x69\x73\x61\x74\x74\x79\0000\x66\x67\x65\x74\x63\0000\x73\x74\x72\x6c\x65\x6e\0000\x75\x6e\x67\x65\x74\x63\0000\x73\x74\x72\x73\x74\x72\0000\x5f\x5f\x65\x72\x72\x6e\x6f\x5f\x6c\x6f\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\0000\x5f\x5f\x66\x70\x72\x69\x6e\x74\x66\x5f\x63\x68\x6b\0000\x66\x63\x68\x6f\x77\x6e\0000\x73\x74\x64\x6f\x75\x74\0000\x66\x63\x6c\x6f\x73\x65\0000\x6d\x61\x6c\x6c\x6f\x63\0000\x72\x65\x6d’ >> myfile
> echo -en $’\x6f\x76\x65\0000\x5f\x5f\x6c\x78\x73\x74\x61\x74\x36\x34\0000\x5f\x5f\x78\x73\x74\x61\x74\x36\x34\0000\x67\x65\x74\x65\x6e\x76\0000\x5f\x5f\x63\x74\x79\x70\x65\x5f\x62\x5f\x6c\x6f\x63\0000\x73\x74\x64\x65\x72\x72\0000\x66\x69\x6c\x65\x6e\x6f\0000\x66\x77\x72\x69\x74\x65\0000\x66\x72\x65\x61\x64\0000\x75\x74\x69\x6d\x65\0000\x66\x64\x6f\x70\x65\x6e\0000\x66\x6f\x70\x65\x6e\x36\x34\0000\x5f\x5f\x73\x74\x72\x63’ >> myfile
> echo -en $’\x61\x74\x5f\x63\x68\x6b\0000\x73\x74\x72\x63\x6d\x70\0000\x73\x74\x72\x65\x72\x72\x6f\x72\0000\x5f\x5f\x6c\x69\x62\x63\x5f\x73\x74\x61\x72\x74\x5f\x6d\x61\x69\x6e\0000\x66\x65\x72\x72\x6f\x72\0000\x66\x72\x65\x65\0000\x5f\x65\x64\x61\x74\x61\0000\x5f\x5f\x62\x73\x73\x5f\x73\x74\x61\x72\x74\0000\x5f\x65\x6e\x64\0000\x47\x4c\x49\x42\x43\x5f\x32\x2e\x34\0000\x47\x4c\x49\x42\x43\x5f\x32\x2e\x33\0000\x47\x4c\x49’ >> myfile
Taking care to escape all the backslashes properly turned out to be a bit of a challenge. Fun fact: if you write the hex code for backslash twice, \x53\x53, Bash will first convert them to backslash and then echo will interpret them as a new escape code and convert them to one backslash.

Now I could cut and paste (very) small binaries, but I needed to paste a few megabytes. “Why a few megabytes?” you wonder. Well, since emerge removed all libraries as well, I had to compile the executables with all libraries linked statically. As it turns out, this makes a small utility much larger.

Enter Konsole and DBUS
Konsole is a wonderful terminal program. Not only can I write stuff in it and make the text green on black and pretend I am Neo from “the Matrix”, I can also control it programmatically via DBUS. This means that I could write a Python program that sends characters to one of my sessions. I had to divide the file up into several messages of the form I showed above, and then send them. If I sent the messages too quickly, they got garbled and everything became a mess, so after each message I had to sleep for a short time.

Using this method, I reached the staggering speed of 1K (yes, a thousand bytes) per second. Not quite as snappy as my over fifteen year old 14.4K modem, that could in theory reach 14400 bits per seconds.

I think that the final program turned out to be quite useful. Using it, I can send a file from one terminal to another.

Run, Forest, run!
A small problem turned up. How do I execute my executables? Chmod is not accessible and umask, which is a Bash builtin, just sets the maximum allowed privileges, rather than actually deciding how new files are created. As far as I know this problem is unsolvable, if not for a tiny cheat.

If you pipe text into a file that is already executable, the resulting file will be executable, even if you overwrite the old file with “>”. Since we had a few executable script files lying around in /home, which emerge could not uninstall, it was a simple matter of finding an executable script file and overwriting it.

If I had not had any executables, I still hoped that /proc would contain executable links to the still running programs, and that I somehow could pick an unimportant one (without knowing which is which, since I still cannot execute ls or cat or anything like that, remember?) and overwrite it. If Linux would let me.

Using my trans-terminal copier, I managed to get the 800K busybox (a wonderful tool, which emulates all the standard Linux commands and then some) to my broken server, under the guise “feedback.py”. This turned out to pose a new problem, since busybox refuses to run under any other name than busybox or one of it’s commands. This is because busybox will check under what name it was called and emulate that command. Feedback.py was not one of the builtins, apparently. Now I needed a way to rename  the file to busybox again, so I had to statically compile GNU coreutils (./configure LDFLAGS = “-static” is your friend) and transfer “cp”. All 700K of it.

Summing up

Even if I had not had a Gentoo install image lying around, it would not have posed a problem by now, since busybox includes both wget and ftp.

I extracted my install image and without doing anything further, I could suddenly make new ssh connections again! Feeling quite heroic, I decided to blog about it, since someone else (or I in the future, God forbid) might find it useful. And here we are.

Since the terminal-copy program could also conceivably be useful for someone else, I will post it somewhere public.


Noel D
Thank you so much. I renamed a system file on AIX libcrypt.a as root and then none of the commands worked.
Thanks SO MUCH for this page!!! The past weekend, I accidentally hosed the dynamic linker on my remote server, and nothing could run (ssh can't even start a new session). The only thing left was a root bash shell over the last ssh connection I have to the box. Using your echo trick, I was able to copy a statically-linked busybox over, and recover the system.

Just one note, though: you don't really need konsole or a python script to spool the lines over to the shell; the reason you can't just copy-n-paste 2000+ echo commands is because bash fiddles with terminal settings after every command, causing the input buffer to lose some characters after every 10 commands or so. The solution is to use downdiagonal's cat trick to copy the echo commands into a *script* on the target machine, then use (source script_filename) to run it to recreate the binary file. While bash is in the read line loop, it doesn't fiddle with the terminal, so it will actually be able to read 2000+ lines of echo commands without any mangling. (You can use a utility like xclip to copy an entire file into X11's clipboard, then transmit the whole thing with a single paste operation.)

Of course, the cat trick adds another layer of interpolation, so you'll need to double-escape all your backslashes, etc..

Using this method, I was able to copy about 2705 echo commands using a single copy-n-paste operation to recreate busybox.

Thanks again, you saved my life!!
I've never had to recover from such a badly broken system as this, but have had to cope with a system when /lib and /usr/lib have become corrupted so that the dynamically linked /bin and /usr/bin exes have become unusable, so this was an interesting article, thanks for blogging.

As ever, the first rule of hosing a system is DONT PANIC. It's very easy to charge in and make things worse, when some careful preservation of what still works can allow you to recover from what might seem a hopeless situation!
I don't think there's any way to emulate chmod without some herculean effort, but I would love to see it if someone knows a way.

Next time, instead of trying to get a copy of busybox to the machine, it would probably be better to use a copy of sash (stand-alone shell). It has much of the functionality of coreutils as shell builtins instead of using symbolic links and changing its behavior based on argv[0] as busybox does.

Another useful trick to get files on to the machine is to use bash's net redirections to grab files from a working machine. You could pretty easily hack together a rudimentary replacement for wget by reading from and writing to /dev/tcp.

As far as overwriting links in /proc goes, I was under the impression that /proc only contains symbolic links to executables. For example:

$ file /proc/27252/exe
/proc/27252/exe: symbolic link to `/bin/bash'

When you try to overwrite a broken symbolic link it creates a new file where the link is pointing with default permissions, so I don't think that that would help.
@downdiagonal and @h-i-r.net
Interesting.. My shell scripting knowledge is clearly lacking, but I think (hope..) I could have written that cat if I really needed ;).

The problem is that even with the bash-cat, I would not have been able to make a good cp, because it would not be copying the execute permissions.

If anybody has any suggestions on how to construct a chmod or execute a file without execute permissions, that would be very interesting and quite impressive.

Maybe the trick I suggested with overwriting executable hard links in /proc would work?
Emulate cat with just bash:

(IFS=$'\n';while read line;do echo "$line";done) < file.ext
Err… I meant echo, not cat.
That's some useful stuff I hadn't thought of before. I forgot cat would decode hex. Here's some stuff I whipped up that might have helped you as far as building out a few things for ls, ps and the like: http://www.h-i-r.net/2009/08/cratered-your-linux-box-here-are-some.html
@Jeff Goldschrafe
"cat" is a program. All my programs were gone. I only had access to what Bash has built in.
Neat trick! I did not think of that. Before I did anything else, I found someone who had implemented ls in 1017 bytes using assembler and pasted the binary semi-manually:

It is actually quite a capable version of ls. Later it let me see the size of the files I had transfered.
Jeff Goldschrafe
Couldn't you have emulated cp with "cat somefile > someotherfile" or some such?
Instead of tab completion to find what's in a directory you can use echo *

Milliblogging - an Essay in 7 Tweets

Twitter became popular because of its 140 character restriction, orginally designed to fit an SMS.

This restriction promises the follower that everything will be easily digested, but perhaps more important is the benefit to the writer.

Often someone starts a blog, but then quits when every post becomes too long. Too ambitious. Twitter frees the writer of such pressure.

Pressure to be concise is great, but I propose that the 140 char limit is too limiting to express anything interesting. Tweets are dumb.

Instead of microblogging, I propose #milliblogging. You must constrict yourself to (maybe?) 1000 characters - the length of 7 tweets.

Would you join such a site? Would you rather it be an extended Twitter-client or a new community?

#Milliblogging - for people with something to say.

(This post was also tweeted by me on http://www.twitter.com/fnedrik )


I started out with the target of 5 tweets / 700 characters, but I found out that to express the idea itself, I needed 7 tweets.
Interesting idea. I don't know. Usually my posts are way long… Maybe I can try to write my next post as 7 tweets to try.


Digital Immortality, True AI and the Destruction of Mankind

Around the world a few people and companies are working towards the goal of strong AI or artificial general intelligence, which is more or less the same thing. Too few, if you ask me.

Today I was reminded of a strategy towards AGI that I have sometimes dreamed of. It is not the strategy I believe most in, but I think it is interesting nonetheless.

What if you (assuming you are a competent programmer), from now on, tried to automate as many of your computer tasks as possible. Instead of doing something, try making the computer do it. Even if it takes you ten or a hundred times as long, your time investment will hopefully pay dividends in the future. Starting out, many things will be out of reach, but you will slowly build a knowledge base and an algorithm base that can mimic your preferences and skills. this will enable you to take on harder tasks and so on. You are building a digital assistant from the ground up.

Maybe this undertaking is too ambitious for one person, especially if they actually wanted to get something done besides building a digital assistant. In that case, my proposal stands, but instead use a small team (Google and Microsoft, I know you have a few talented guys to spare for a grand project) that tries to automate the computer tasks of one guy.

Take email, for example. Propose automatic actions on incoming mail, including replies, forwards and adding stuff to the calendar. Initially, very few emails will be understandable, but gradually I expect the algorithm to get better at parsing language and to get a better model of the user and the world. Perhaps one part of the knowledge base is building a Bayesian network that models the user’s preferences. The important thing is: solve the emails one at a time, using as general rules as you can get away with, but as specialized rules as you practically have to.

Want to look something up on Wikipedia? Make travel plans online? Make a purchasing decision? Solve it in code, as general as you can. When the AI is further advanced, you start to write documents and code collaboratively, and so forth. One way of developing the AI is to let it observe your digital life and all your actions. Ultimately, what you end up with is a digital model of yourself, that gets more and more like the original. It answers mail, reads news and maybe comments on it in tweets and blogs. In effect, you achieve digital immortality.

Obviously, the weakness here is that I have not proposed what algorithms should be used for this digital alter ego. I do, however, feel that the task of general AI will benefit from both clever general algorithms and clever specialized algorithms and specialized knowledge. An organic hodge-podge of hacks and patches, very much like the brain itself.

When a mathematician approaches the problem of AGI, they want a clean solution. One algorithm to bind them all, like the Gödel Machine of Jürgen Schmidhuber and Marcus Hutter. When engineers approach the same problem, they tend to engineer grand designs, like Ben Goertzel’s Novamente and OpenCog. I can certainly see the charm of both approaches and I hope that they succeed, but maybe the most practical way forward is just to tackle one small real-world task at a time - the “guided hodge-podge” approach.

About the destruction of mankind? No, I don’t think we will have any of that, but some smart people do. Like Michael Anissimov: “Why is AI dangerous?”. Still, a title is better when it involves destruction, don’t you think?


Michael Anissimov
Why don't you think there's a risk from AI destroying us? Just context-insensitive optimism, or what? I suggest you check out Stephen Omohundro's paper, "Basic AI Drives", and also Eliezer Yudkowsky's "AI as a Positive and Negative Factor in Global Risk.
Harley Mellifont
The problem with most strong AI advocates like yourself is that you think that all it takes to be intelligent is to behave intelligently. This is false. In psychology, can you truly determine someones intent from their behaviour alone? Take Steven Hawking for example, he can communicate only through technology. If he didn't have that technology, he would still be highly intelligent, but not according to you since he can't behave intelligently. There is far more to intelligence than behaviour: understanding is what needs to be modelled.

I suggest you read the book On Intelligence by Jeff Hawkins.
"solve the emails one at a time, using as general rules as you can get away with, but as specialized rules as you practically have to".
From what I learned doing my PhD in NLP, the more emails you "solve" (i.e. parse the syntax, disambiguate the 67 possible solutions, analyze the sense of each word in its context, combine these senses, disambiguate the 670 possible interpretations), the more your general rules/ specific rules ratio will decrease.
I can't prove this, but it's based on my observation of several rule-based systems in NLP.
Ian Ozsvald
I'm a part of one of those companies that's working on an AGI - the project is RIA (http://www.qtara.com/) and the beta looks just like the website. It can help you write email, use Skype, research, read the news - all via a natural language spoken interface.

An open source equivalent by the very smart John is: http://code.google.com/p/open-allure-ds/

I'm building up a set of like-minded folk for the A.I.Cookbook, mostly using Python to solve useful problems. Some of the active projects are documented here: http://blog.aicookbook.com/ with a budding discussion group: http://groups.google.com/group/aicookbook


Solving Sudoku With Genetic Algorithms

I recently wrote a small Python library for genetic algorithms (GA), called optopus. One thing I tried when I played around with it was to solve a Sudoku puzzle. There are plenty of efficient ways to solve Sudoku, but with my shiny new hammer, all problems look like nails.

Also, I remember that I once read something from someone who tried a GA C-library on Sudoku and concluded that it was not a suitable problem. If I could solve it with my slick library, that random person on the internet, whose web page I might never find again but who may exist as far as you know, would certainly be proven wrong. A worthy cause.

Genetic algorithms
A genetic algorithm is a general way to solve optimization problems. The basic algorithm is very simple:
  1. Create a population (vector) of random solutions (represented in a problem specific way, but often a vector of floats or ints)
  2. Pick a few solutions and sort them according to fitness
  3. Replace the worst solution with a new solution, which is either a copy of the best solution, a mutation (perturbation) of the best solution, an entirely new randomized solution or a cross between the two best solutions. These are the most common evolutionary operators, but you could dream up others that use information from existing solutions to create new potentially good solutions.
  4. Check if you have a new global best fitness, if so, store the solution.
  5. If too many iterations go by without improvement, the entire population might be stuck in a local minimum (at the bottom of a local valley, with a possible chasm somewhere else, so to speak). If so, kill everyone and start over at 1.
  6. Go to 2.
Fitness is a measure of how good a solution is, lower meaning better. This measure is performed by a fitness function that you supply. Writing a fitness function is how you describe the problem to the GA. The magnitude of the fitness values returned does not matter (in sane implementations), only how they compare to each other.

There are other, subtly different, ways to perform the evolutionary process. Some are good and some are popular but bad. The one described above is called tournament selection and it is one of the good ways. Much can be said about the intricacies of GA but it will have to be said somewhere else, lest I digress completely.

Optopus and Sudoku
Using optopus is easy:

from optopus import ga, stdgenomes

#Now we choose a representation. We know that the answer to the puzzle must be some permutation of the digits 1 to 9, each used nine times.

init_vect = sum([range(1,10)] * 9, []) # A vector of 81 elements
genome = stdgenomes.PermutateGenome (init_vect)

#I made a few functions to calculate how many conflicts a potential Sudoku solution has. I'll show them later, but for now let us just import the package. I also found a puzzle somewhere and put it in the PUZZLE constant.

import sudoku
solver = ga.GA(sudoku.ga_sudoku(sudoku.PUZZLE) , genome)

#And now, when we have supplied the GA with a fitness function (ga_sudoku, which counts Sudoku conflicts) and a representation (genome), let us just let the solver do its magic.


And in a few minutes (about 2.6 million iterations when I tried) the correct answer pops out!

The nice thing about this method is that you do not have to know anything about how to solve a Sudoku puzzle or even think very hard at all. Note that I did not even bother to just let it search for the unknown values - it also has to find the digits that we already know (which should not be too hard with a decent fitness function, see below). The only bit of thinking we did was to understand that a Sudoku solution has to be a permutation of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], but this merely made the evolution part faster. If we wanted to make it faster still, we could make a genome type that let us say that there are actually nine separate vectors who are each guaranteed to be a permutation of 1 to 9. We could have thought even less and represented the solution by 81 ints who are all in the range 1 to 9, by using another genome type:

>> genome = stdgenomes.EnumGenome(81, range(1,10))

The range argument to EnumGenome does not have to be a vector of integers, it could be a vector of any objects, since they are never treated like numbers.

In my experiment this took maybe 15 - 30 minutes to solve. For more difficult Sudoku puzzles, I would definitely go with the permutation genome, since using EnumGenome increases the search space to 9^81 or 196627050475552913618075908526912116283103450944214766927315415537966391196809 possible solutions.

FYI, this is the puzzle in sudoku.PUZZLE:

  4|8  | 17
67 |9  |   
5 8| 3 |  4
3  |74 |1  
 69|   |78 
  1| 69|  5
1  | 8 |3 6
   |  6| 91
24 |  1|5  

I think a Sudoku puzzle that is harder for humans would not be that much harder for optopus to solve, but I have not tested it.

Sudoku fitness function
OK, so that was a ridiculously easy way to solve a Sudoku puzzle, but I skipped one part that is crucial to all GA - describing the problem using a fitness function. I had to do the following:

DIM = 9

def one_box(solution, i):
"""Extract the 9 elements of a 3 x 3 box in a 9 x 9 Sudoku solution."""
return solution[i:i+3] + solution[i+9:i+12] + solution[i+18:i+21]

def boxes(solution):
"""Divide a flat vector into vectors with 9 elements, representing 3 x 3
boxes in the corresponding 9 x 9 2D vector. These are the standard
Sudoku boxes."""
return [one_box(solution, i) for i in [0, 3, 6, 27, 30, 33, 54, 57, 60]]

def splitup(solution):
"""Take a flat vector and make it 2D"""
return [solution[i * DIM:(i + 1) * DIM] for i in xrange(DIM)]

def consistent(solution):
"""Check how many different elements there are in each row.
Ideally there should be DIM different elements, if there are no duplicates."""
return sum(DIM - len(set(row)) for row in solution)

def compare(xs1, xs2):
"""Compare two flat vectors and return how much they differ"""
return sum(1 if x1 and x1 != x2 else 0 for x1, x2 in zip(xs1, xs2))

def sudoku_fitness(flatsolution, puzzle, flatpuzzle=None):
"""Evaluate the fitness of flatsolution."""
if not flatpuzzle:
flatpuzzle = sum(puzzle, [])
solution = splitup(flatsolution)
fitness = consistent(solution) #check rows
fitness += consistent(zip(*solution)) #check columns
fitness += consistent(boxes(flatsolution)) #check boxes
fitness += compare(flatpuzzle, flatsolution) * 10 #check that it matches the known digits
return fitness

def ga_sudoku(puzzle):
"""Return a fitness function wrapper that extracts the .genes attribute from
an individual and sends it to sudoku_fitness."""
flatpuzzle = sum(puzzle, []) #just a precalcing optimization
def fit(guy):
return sudoku_fitness(guy.genes, puzzle, flatpuzzle)
return fit

I know. This made the solution less clean. Still, I made it verbose for readability, so it is perhaps less code than it looks.

Take that, random internet guy!


@blob Unfortunately I have no variable length genomes in optopus, but it is easy enough to create one yourself. Look at BaseGenome and perhaps take some inspiration from FloatGenome.
Is there a built-in Genome that allows for a variable number of objects?

Thanks! (:
I coded a Java GA for solving sudoku this year in a Meta-Heuristics course I took post grad. The best solving time I obtained from a few runs of AL Escargot was 9 minutes 41 seconds on a 2.66ghz core2 workstation, other problems took from sub one to 40 odd seconds depending on the difficulty. In the end the GA used four different methods of applying selection pressure, 4 more methods to then pare up parents, six different crossover methods, a modified island model and population restarting conditions… Needless to say comparitively to other meta-heuristics it is a very inefficient method.
Human puzzle solvers and computers use very different approaches for Sudoku. Humans are good at finding patterns. Computers use brute force with genetic algorithms or other forms of recursive backtracking. Take a look at:
So there is a GA to solve Sudoku. That means there must be a constructive algorithm to solve it too.
What is the constructive algorithm?
Pretty cool, so did it solve one sudoku puzzle or did it evolve an algorithm to solve sudoku puzzles in general?

Thanks for posting it!
Very interesting way to solve sudoku.

I am just curious, exactly how long did it take for you to solve Sudoku?
I have a solution that solves Sudoku (among other tougher problems) very fast.
I just want to know your number before telling(bragging, as some might say) about mine.

I just wanna compare the speed of the two solutions, yours and mine.
Really good post.
Seems like genetic algorithms for sudoku solutions are a decent example of GA. But I think it might be fun/interesting to use GA to build some sort of logic engine to solve sudokus. :)

I agree, that is a good approach.
This is better:
Damn, This is mind numbing good…

Gates in Practice

Remember the classification problem from part 1? I wrote a small script to simulate solutions with different success rates.

For our first investigation, let us say that we have created 600 solutions. 400 of them have a true fitness 0.5 (a 50% chance to answer correctly - no better than random since our test cases are 50/50 positive and negative) and 200 of them have found something and have a true fitness of 0.6. One limitation to these simulations is that we assume that two different solutions with a fitness of 0.6 are totally uncorrelated on the tests, while in reality the solutions might very well have picked up on the same pattern and be completely correlated.

In our hypothetical situation we have 300 different test cases that are out of sample, i.e not used by the process that created the solutions.300 test cases might seem like very few, but the circumstances are favorable. The 50/50 split between positive and negative helps. If it was just one positive in a hundred, many more cases would be needed. If the test cases are weighted, with some more important than others to get right, you also need more test cases.

Running the 600 solutions through the 300 test cases, we might get the following histogram with 15 bins:

If we could measure the fitness exactly, we would just see two bars - one at 0.5 and one at 0.6. Based on this graph, can we take the best solution and ask what is the probability that it is better than 0.55? 0.58? 0.62? It is hard to know. It really looks like there ought to be some solution better than 0.6.

I divided the 300 tests into three gates with 100 in each. In some of my tests, no solution made it through all the gates, suggesting that I either needed more tests or more solutions, so just to test the theory I increased the number of 0.5-solutions to 100 000 and 0.6 to 50 000.

Running the solutions through the gates with a cutoff of 0.55 (meaning that we search for solutions that have a true fitness of 0.55 or better and only let those through that have a measured fitness of 0.55 on each gate) yielded the following result:
C0 = 150000
C1 = 54774 (C0 / C1 = 2.74)
C2 = 35543 (C1 / C2 = 1.54)
C2 = 27891 (C2 / C3 = 1.27)

The ratios are decreasing nicely, as expected. I solved the equations in part 1 numerically, using my genetic algorithm library, optopus, for Python, thus ending up with the following:
0.34 good solutions, with 0.82 passing through each gate
0.66 bad solutions, with 0.14 passing through each gate

This means that the predicted probability of drawing a good solution after each gate is:
0.34 (before any gate. True value is approx. 0.33)
0.75 (after one gate. True 0.75)
0.95 (0.95)
0.99 (0.99)

So in this particular special case, our method gets exactly the correct answer!

Let us make it slightly harder and choose a cutoff that is not exactly in the middle between 0.5 and 0.6.
Running the solutions as above with cutoff 0.58 (we now ask how many are equal to or better than 0.58) yielded this:
C0 = 150000
C1 = 35450 (C0 / C1 = 4.13)
C2 = 19571 (C1 / C2 = 1.81)
C2 = 11994 (C2 / C3 = 1.63)

Once again we get a nice decreasing ratio. Solving it numerically gets us these parameters
0.34 good solutions, with 0.62 passing through each gate
0.66 bad solutions with 0.04 passing through each gate

and these predicted probabilities of drawing a good solution after each gate:
0.34 (True: 0.33)
0.88 (0.88)
0.99 (0.99)
0.999 (0.999)

Ridiculously good!

Let us make it harder still and pick a cutoff above the top solutions. This violates the assumption in part 1, that we have at least one good solution.

With cutoff 0.62, I got this:
C0 = 150000
C1 = 16043 (C0 / C1 = 9.35)
C2 = 4733 (C1 / C2 = 3.39)
C3 = 1400 (C2 / C1 = 3.38)

Here something worrisome happens. The ratio stops decreasing. Since this ratio is supposed to asymptotically reach the inverse of Pg, the probability that a good solution pass the gate, this should trigger an alarm. If we say that the fitness of a good solution has to be better than or equal to 0.62 and have a cutoff of 0.62 in the gates, how can only one in 3.38 pass? We should always get at least half of the good solutions through.

Running the GA gives:
0.35 good, with a 0.3 probability to pass
0.65 bad with a 0.0004 probability to pass

Which is completely wrong, since there are only bad solutions if we try to find solutions that are 0.62 or better. Remember that all our solutions have a true fitness of 0.5 or 0.6. We again get a stern warning that something is wrong, since a 0.3 probability to pass is too low. We expect at least half of the good solutions to pass. More than half should pass if the solutions are noticeably above the cutoff value, but anything under 0.5 means we are in trouble.

Taking that warning into account, it would seem that the gate test worked here as well.

The problem

Does it always work? Sadly, no. As I hinted in my last post, there is a problem. Let us say that instead of two kinds of solutions, 0.5 and 0.6, we have 100 solutions distributed evenly between 0.3 and 0.7. Just sending this solution distribution through the 300 tests yields (15 bins):
The distribution does not look very uniform anymore, but at least it looks like we have nothing over 0.7, which is true.

With cutoff 0.65, we get:
C0 = 40000
C1 = 4656 (C0 / C1 = 8.59)
C2 = 2385 (C1 / C2 = 1.95)
C3 = 1392 (C2 / C1 = 1.71)

Everything looks all right. Running the GA gives:
0.17 good, with a 0.58 probability to pass
0.83 bad with a 0.18 probability to pass

0.17 (True: 0.13)
0.87 (0.68)
0.99 (0.85)
0.999 (0.93)

As can be seen, the algorithm overestimates how many good solutions there are. This happens because one of our initial assumptions, that there are only either good or bad solutions, is wrong. Since the C-ratios decrease, it looks like we get progressively more and more good solutions, which we are, but at a smaller rate than indicated. What happens is that the better a solution is, the more likely it is to survive, so the gates make sure that the better of the bad solutions survive, which makes a larger ratio of the entire “population” of solutions survive each time.

Note that the answer will not always be overestimated. If the even distribution is located mainly to the right of the cutoff, I think that the answer will instead be underestimated, but I have not yet tested this. It might be worth mentioning that running with cutoff 0.72 yielded very bad C-ratios, so that still works as before.

Gates as transfer functions

A series of test cases and a cutoff value can be seen as a transfer function on the distribution of solutions. When the solutions are run through a gate, the transfer function is convolved with the solution distribution to yield a new solution distribution. In the graph below, I have plotted the transfer functions for five different gates, with the same cutoff but with different number of test cases. Once again we have relatively few test cases, but just as we discussed earlier, if the test cases are not divided 50/50 between positive and negative or there are weights, we need many more to get the same gate characteristics.

The more test cases that the gate has, the steeper the transfer function. It will look more and more like a step function as the gate gets “larger”. In the limit that is actually is a step function (with infinitely many test cases), our earlier assumption fully holds and the predictions would again be correct. These transfer functions will move the solution distribution to the right (better true fitness). The only thing we can measure is still C, the number of solutions left, which in the continuous case would be the integral of the solution distribution.

Possible solutions

If we knew the shape of our initial solution distribution and the shape of the transfer function, we would once again be in business and be able to predict the number of solutions above a cutoff correctly. The transfer function can be estimated, but the solution distribution can vary greatly. Maybe all solutions have the same true fitness? Maybe they are divided into two “pillars” as in the example above? Maybe they are spread in some more complex shape across the spectrum?

Instead of just finding out the value of two points of the solution distribution (good and bad), we would get better estimates if we could get the value of more points. But knowledge of more variables require more equations. Where will these equations come from? We have two sources of untapped information.

First of all, we have not used the exact result when the solutions are run against the test, only if they pass the cutoff or not. By letting the cutoff move from 0 to 1 and running the same gates over and over again, we can gain additional information on the shape of the solution distribution. If the transfer functions where linear, we would not gain additional information from this, but since they are not, the different resulting integrals can tell us something.
The results of the different cutoffs are of course not totally independent, so each new cutoff will not magically bring about a new independent equation, but it will still improve our understanding of the shape of the solution distribution.

The other source of information that we have not used is that not all solutions run against all test cases, since we filter out so many after each gate. This means that there are tests (thus information) that are not being used. The easiest way to use this information is to do as suggested in part 1 and rerun the gate experiment with the gates in different order. This will not give more equations, but will increase the accuracy of the measured Cs which in turn may allow more gates with fewer tests in each, which gives more equations.

This is my main approach and the one that I will test in practice and write my next post about.

I have, however, two other rough ideas that one could pursue.

One approach is to abandon gates and look at the measured fitness histogram for all test cases (like the two I have shown above) and try to run it in reverse, by generating hypothetical true distributions and see how likely they are to end up in the measured distribution after the blurring effect of the test process. Maybe image deblurring techniques such as Gaussian noise reduction can be used?

The other approach is to study deconvolution - the process of running a convolution in reverse. According to the Wikipedia article, deconvolution is often associated with image processing, where it is used to reverse optical distortion. Maybe this method will actually converge with the deblurring approach?

Confident Optimization Using Gates

When dealing with any non-linear optimization or classification algorithm, like Genetic Algorithms, Artifical Neural Networks or Simulated Annealing, you need a way to compute the fitness of your candidate solutions. These algorithms all work in roughly the same way - you generate a solution, test it and generate new solutions based on feedback from the testing (the feedback will usually just consist of a fitness value).

For some problems you can get the true fitness of a solution. If you, for example, are maximizing a known mathematical function of many variables, you immediately know exactly how good your solution is. However, for most interesting problems you will never know the true fitness. If you are evolving parameters for a poker playing program, a stock predictor or a walrus image classifier, you never know quite how good your solution is in general. The best you can do is try your solution on a number of test cases and assume that your average performance on those tests are the same as your average performance when the number of test cases approach infinity.

An optimization algorithm will often become over-specialized in the test cases that it is trained on. To combat this, a method called “holdout validation” is often used. The data is divided up into several disjunct sets - a training set used for fitness calculation of the millions or billions of proposed solutions, a validation set for validating the fitness of solutions that are candidates of being the most promising so far and a test set for testing the final solution of your run. Often you will make several runs of your optimization algorithm with different types of inputs and parameters. The test set is used to decide which of the runs produced the best solution.

This standard approach will sometimes work, but there are problems. If your fitness function is very volatile and test cases are hard to come by, you can never be quite sure how consistent your solution is. What is the chance that a solution will happen to get lucky on all three sets of test cases? Low? If I am persistent and keep running the same optimization problem on my computer cluster with the inputs prepared differently and different parameters until I get something that finally pass my tests, what are the risk that after billions and billions of tries, I have just found a fluke that will not perform well on further data? Obviously one can never be completely sure, but it would be nice to at least know what the probability is that we have found a real solution.

One possibly more effective way of using your data is to employ cross validation, but if you test several solutions, the problems with “luck” will reappear.

I’d like to explore a different theory that I have been tinkering with.

Gates - an introduction

In this introduction, I will make a number of simplifications, assumptions and ungodly approximations. I hope to remedy this in the next post.

Let us take the problem of walrus image recognition from the introduction. Imagine that we have a number of subaquatic images. Half of them depict sea weed, lobsters and whatnot and half are of walruses. A good walrus classifier will identify over 70% of the images correctly.

Let us further make the assumption that a walrus classifier is either good or bad, with nothing in between. This assumption can not be entirely true, since an optimization algorithm needs a way to arrive at its solution through gradual improvement, which means that there must be somewhat good solutions. Nevertheless, it will have to do as an approximation for now.

Assume we have a black-box algorithm that spits solutions at us. We will call the number of good solutions at a certain time Sg and the number of bad solutions Sb. The total number of solutions, C0, is just C0 = Sg + Sb.

Take the images that the algorithm did not get to see and divide them randomly into three equally large sets. Each set is now a Gate, which will let through only those solutions that can correctly classify above 70% (it does not have to be the same as our target percentage) of the images in the set. We can assume that it is approximately equally hard to get through any gate. This assumption can be tested by simply sending our solutions through each gate and check that roughly the same number of solutions pass.

Unfortunately there is a chance that a bad solution could get lucky and pass the gate (a false positive) or that a good solution could get unlucky and fail (a false negative), but for a meaningful test, a good solution must always have a better chance to pass the gate than a bad solution.

Let us define the probability that a good solution passes a gate as Pg and the probability that a bad solution passes as Pb. As the number of test cases in each gate approaches infinity, Pg will approach 1 and Pb will approach 0.

If we set up an experiment where we first send our solutions through the first gate, then send the survivors through the second and finally those survivors through the third gate, we can measure the remaining population size at four points. After the black box: C0, after the first gate: C1, second gate: C2 and third gate C3.

If our gates are testing anything relevant and our population consists of both good and bad solutions (Sg != 0 and Sb != 0) we can immediately see that the ratio between successive gates should decrease C0/C1 > C1/C2 > C2/C3, because there will be a greater ratio of good solutions to bad solutions after each gate and Pg > Pb. In plain English - a smaller percentage of the solutions should disappear each time, as the population gradually contains more good solutions. If this does not hold, we must either have bad gates (too few test cases or something) or no good solutions or no bad solutions. As the ratio of bad to good solutions decrease, C(i) / C(i+1) will approach Pg as most solutions will be good.

Fortuitous results

The number of good solutions that remain after the first gate is Sg * Pg and the number of bad is Sb * Pb. Thus we get four equations:

C0 = Sg + Sb
C1 = Sg * Pg + Sb * Pb
C2 = Sg * Pg2 + Sb * Pb2
C3 = Sg * Pg3 + Sb * Pb3

Since we have four equations and four unknowns, Sg, Sb, Pg and Pb, we should be able to solve what the ratio of good to bad solutions is and what the characteristics of the gates are. Subsequently we can tell what the chance is that we pick a good solution if we randomly pick one after a certain number of gates. We can also tell how many solutions we will need to generate on average until we have at least one solution that passes through a certain number of gates.

There is nothing magical about three gates. If we use more gates with fewer tests in each (thus making Pg and Pb closer) we will get different characteristics. This will result in more equations and the variables will be overdetermined, but they can still be determined using, for example, a least-squares fitting. Trying different number of gates and different gate sizes can help us find the optimal use of our test cases.

It is important that Pg and Pb are roughly the same for each gate, in other words that one gate is not significantly harder or easier to pass through than the others. If the gate sizes are large this is more likely to be true. It is straightforward to test this assumption. You can either:

  • Do the simple test described earlier, making sure that C is roughly the same for each gate.
  • Put the gates in different order and re-run the experiment, verifying that the results are the same.
  • Run the experiment several times, dividing the test cases into three entirely new gates each time and determine the standard deviation of the calculated parameters.

If C is not roughly the same for each gate, you need larger gates. Go find more data or use fewer gates, but no fewer than three. That simple. (Almost.. we have not defined exactly how rough “roughly” is)

So.. Is everything solved that easily? Can we now go out and confidently optimize the world as the title suggests? No, but I believe this approximation can be of great use as it stands. Earlier we made the assumption that solutions are either good or bad, instead of somewhere in a continuous fitness spectrum. In my next post, I will explain why this makes things a bit more complicated.


@JP I show some testing here: http://fakeguido.blogspot.com/2010/04/gates-in-practice.html
It seems reasonable course. have you tested it yet? I mean compared to other methods.

Why Planning Is Hard

After my last post about planning I thought some more on the issue and had something close to an epiphany.

When you plan, in the solitaire sense, you need rules governing what moves are legal - transformation rules. If you treat these rules like black boxes, just understanding them by playing around with positions and see how they behave, you can only do so much. An important rule might be usable extremely rarely, but nevertheless be the key to success if you specifically aim to reach a position where it is applicable. This means that you might miss how important a rule (or an exception to a rule) is, when just “black-boxing” it, because it’s usefulness or purpose might never come up.

Even if you have no such rare rules in your system, the best you can hope for if you want to analyze a system when black-boxing is just to formulate your own internal rules for how the system seems to behave.

Thus, the reason planning is hard is that you need to be able to analyze/understand code to understand transformation rules in general and understanding code is hard. You need to understand when you may take actions and what these actions do, i.e understand transformation rules, whatever system you are planning for.

A small prediction

The reason why good planning is a key to analyze code and prove things in formal systems is that you need to understand code in order to plan. Thus, I postulate, when something can analyze code better than I, it will quickly learn to do everything else intelligence-based better than I. The implication probably works both ways, so the first program that is thoroughly smarter than I will most likely have it’s foundation laid upon the ability to reason about code.


Home Broker
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Deceptively Simple Game

I would pay a handsome sum (say $1 million, if I could raise it) for a program that could do the following well-defined, seemingly simple, task.

General solitaire solver

Take as input a list of rules for a solitaire-like game. The rules are deterministic transformation rules, defining which moves are legal given a certain position. The rules will be given in whatever Turing complete language the solver likes. For example a simple Scheme dialect without side-effects or a subset of x86 machine code.

As long as it solves the task, the solver is free to treat the rules as black boxes that take one position and outputs a, possibly empty, list of potential positions.

The solver will then take an initial position as second input and one or more target positions as final input. In fact, to make it more general, take a function that tells whether a position is the target or not.

As output, I want a sequence of transformations that leads from the initial position to a target. It does not have to be the shortest sequence, just a sequence. Also I want the answer reasonably fast. At least as fast as I could solve it myself.

Extra features

While I would be very happy with just the above, here are some extra features that would be nice.

  • Instead of a binary target function, let me use a continuous target function, and give as output a sequence that gives an end position with as good a score as possible.
  • Accept one or more opponents. This would be useful for playing games - go, shogi, chess, etc, but apart from that would probably be a step towards the stochastic thing below.
  • Allow the transformation rules to behave in a stochastic/probabilistic manner.

I have no particular desire to solve solitaire automatically, so why would I want a generalized solitaire solver? Well, if you can input the rules for solitaire, you can also input the rules for Towers of Hanoi, which I used as an example of difficult planning in another post. Suddenly you can solve a whole range of reasoning problems, mathematical proofs, reasoning about programs and all sorts of interesting and important stuff.

It is interesting to think about the problem from the point of view of solving solitaire or some other simple one-man game. I think it makes it less intimidating.

The Optimal IQ Test

The hardest part for me when thinking about seed AI and optimal optimization, is coming up with a good fitness (IQ) test. Since you need the test to run fast, you end up testing that the algorithm can get somewhere fast, i.e checking only the extreme beginning of a performance curve that ultimately must continue to be good many thousand times longer. What we want to measure is something like the Big O performance of the algorithm in the limit and not what it looks like the first second of it’s life. Another problem is that we want the intelligence to be as general as possible and not over-specialized on solving a few test cases.

A fitness test of a fitness test

Recently I got a new idea of what constitutes a good IQ test. Our current approach to seed AI is about developing a really good programmer that can program better versions of itself. A good fitness test is a test that has a high correlation between a program testing good on it and the same program being able to generate new programs that gets even better scores. Not only is this a necessary criterion. It might be sufficient. Any test of a program which means that this program is likely to produce new programs that perform well (strictly - reach a new global optimum) on the test, might be a good fitness test of what we are after. The test that produces new Masters (see this post) most frequently might be the best test. Getting the most new Masters over time, also ensures that the test does not take unnecessarily long to run. I am not completely sure, but we might need to force all tests to start with a kernel of an intelligence test (compress this string, predict this numeric sequence, something like that), just to set it of in the right direction and eliminate trivial solutions, like giving all programs a random IQ from some distribution. The trivial solution of giving all programs the perfect IQ, would not be a candidate, because no new globally optimal solutions would be found, so no new Masters would come, and thus that fitness test would not test well on the fitness test test (am I making sense?).

Having a fitness test of our fitness test suggests that we can start by evolving a good test, or even more beautifully, co-evolve solution and test.

Perhaps I am just dreaming, but it sure would be a beautiful algorithm if it worked…


I once read a short story about the creation of the world’s most powerful computer. In essence, each time they tried to turn it on, they had some minor misfortune, a power outage, the maid accidentaly tripped on, and unplugged, the power cord, etc. The highly technical twist in the end was that since we live in a Multiverse, all things that can happen happens in a separate universe. It turns out that the computer was so advanced (or something) that it turned in to a black hole when switched on, destroying all life. Since the observers could only exist in the universes where the computer remained switched off, they experienced these “coincidences”, that protected them.

A database of all human knowledge

When I read up a bit on Cyc, the other day, I came upon a competing project that I, myself, once added some mindpixels to.
Mindpixel was a web-based collaborative artificial intelligence project which aimed to create a database of millions of human validated true/false statements, or probabilistic propositions.
Unfortunately the project is now defunct, since the founder Chris McKinstry committed suicide on 23rd January, 2006.

Well, never fear, because from the Mindpixel page on Wikipedia, we learn that Open Mind Common Sense is a similar project, run by MIT, whose goal is to build a large common sense knowledge base from the contributions of many thousands of people across the Web.

Unfortunately that project is also stalling, since Push Singh who was slated to become a professor at the MIT Media Lab to lead the Commonsense Computing group in 2007, commited suicide on Tuesday, February 28, 2006. Just a month after the other visionary of web knowledge, Chris McKinstry.

Let the unreasonable conspiracy theories commence.
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